Taiwan- A Path to Your Future!

Study Abroad Programs in Taiwan.

位置: Education Division, TECO, in Los Angeles

2010年12月13日 星期一

TIGP Application Announcement for 2011

Academia Sinica, the preeminent research institution in Taiwan, is pleased to announce that its Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) is now accepting applications for the 2011-2012 academic years, and applications are due before 31 March, 2011.


TIGP offers the following eight Ph.D. programs:

  1. Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics 
  2. Molecular Science and Technology 
  3. Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences 
  4. Bioinformatics 
  5. Molecular and Cell Biology 
  6. Nano Science and Technology 
  7. Molecular Medicine 
  8. Earth System Science 

No application fee is required. Please send the completed application to:
Admissions Office

Taiwan International Graduate Program
No. 75, Lane 12, Section 2, Academia Road , Nankang District,

Taipei City 11529 , Taiwan, R.O.C.


TIGP now also offers the option to apply online for admission to the program. If you wish to learn more about our online application system, please via the website at http://db1x.sinica.edu.tw/tigp/index.php.


For more information, please contact Nancy Yang/ Alice Lee at +886-2-27898050/ +886-2-2789-9696. Email: nancyy@gate.sinica.edu.tw / alicelee@gate.sinica.edu.tw. TIGP website: http://tigp.sinica.edu.tw/applying.html.