Date | Schedule of Events |
Dec.7, 2009 | Application opens |
April 30, 2010 | Application ends (postmarked by April 30) |
April 30 ~May 15, 2010 | Review applicants' documents by individual institutes (Some of institutes will have oral interview) |
Middle May, 2010 | Review Meeting by the committee of Foreign Student Admission for all qualified students |
Late May, 2010 | Notification of Admission |
Dept./Inst. | Degree offered to students | ||
International Graduate Program | Bachelor | Master | Ph.D |
※ International Health Program | | ● | ● |
School of Medicine | Bachelor | Master | Ph.D |
※ Faculty. of Medicine | ● | | |
※ Inst. of Traditional Medicine | | ● | ● |
※ Inst. of Health and Welfare policy | | ● | ● |
※ Inst. of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine | | ● | |
※ Institute of Brain Science | | ● | ● |
School of Biomedical Science and Engineering | Bachelor | Master | Ph.D |
※ Dept. of Physical Therapy and assistive technology | | ● | ● |
※ Dept. of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine and Inst. of Biotechnology in Medicine | | | ● |
※ Inst. of Biomedical Engineering | ● | ● | ● |
※ Inst. of Biophotonics | | ● | ● |
School of Life Sciences | Bachelor | Master | Ph.D |
※ Inst. of Microbiology and Immunology | | | ● |
※ Inst. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | | | ● |
※ Inst. of Biomedical Informatics | | | ● |
※ Dept. of Life Sciences and Inst. Genome Sciences | ● | ● | ● |
School of Nursing | Bachelor | Master | Ph.D |
※ Dept. & Inst. of nursing | | | ● |
School of Dentistry | Bachelor | Master | Ph.D |
※ Dept. of Dentistry | ● | ● | |
※ Inst. of Oral Biology | | ● | ● |
School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Bachelor | Master | Ph.D |
※ Inst. of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition | | ● | |
※ Institute of Science, Technology and Society | | ● | |
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