Taiwan- A Path to Your Future!

Study Abroad Programs in Taiwan.

位置: Education Division, TECO, in Los Angeles

2013年3月25日 星期一

The International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy, National Cheng Kung University is accepting applications for admission

The International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy (IBDP-E), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU http://www.ncku.edu.tw)  has been offered since the fall semester of 2012. The core of the curriculum aims at Energy Science and Technology, a key aspect of Environmental Technologies. The curriculum of the IBDP-E is comprehensively co-organized by the faculties from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the College of Engineering. All courses of the IBDP-E are in English.


The IBDP-E Students will learn and be engaged in the study of Renewable Energy, Energy Saving Technologies, Intelligent Electricity Management, Energy Economy and Strategy, etc. The graduates from the IBDP-E are expected to develop further study or to start a career in Energy Saving Technologies, Solar Energy, Solar Thermal Energy, Fuel Cell, Bioenergy, Wind Power, Hydropower & Ocean Energy, Energy Economy and Energy Strategy and other types of Energy-related technologies based on their own professional competence.


The application period for Fall Semester 2013 is from January 10, 2013 to April 10, 2013, and the enrollment will be in September 2013. Please visit the IBDP-E website and find out more: http://ibdpe.iaa.ncku.edu.tw/Contents.aspx?ID=4&Culture=en-us  For more inquiries, please contact z10201043@email.ncku.edu.tw.     

2013年3月21日 星期四

Chang Gung University- English Graduate Program Molecular Medicine (Master Degree)

International Student may get a "MASTER DEGREE" with "EXTREME LOW COST"


In order to promote the cultural and academic exchange between international
students and Taiwanese, the university is proud to provide an opportunity to the
people who are interested in the graduate program (Master Degree/ taught in English)
in the discipline of Molecular Medicine in
Chang Gung University  in Taiwan.

This is a great opportunity for international young and talented students to study in
Taiwan with "minimal expenditure". 

Basically, the student has to fulfill the following requirements:

1. TOEFL score of ~550 (for non-English speaking countries)

2. Bachelor's degree (Biology related department),

3. Tuition and Accommodation Fees only cost:  NT$ 31,573 (US$ ~1,070)/semester; Dormitory cost NT$ ~8300 (US$ ~280)/semester.

Every foreign student is entitled to obtain monthly stipend US $ 405 (5 months/ semester).
This means that the stipend will cover all the tuition & dormitory cost , thus the student only has to prepare 2 years living expenditure to obtain the Master Degree (30 credits in EnglishProgram).

Application Deadline Apr. 30, 2013

Please refer to http://egpmm.cgu.edu.tw , admission instruction and program introducation for more information.  Any inquiry please contact aili@mail.cgu.edu.tw)

National Central University is Accepting Application for 2013 Admission

The application for Fall semester in Academic Year 2013 starts from February 1st to April 15th, 2013. Either Online application or Paper application are available for applicants to choose and the applicants do not need to pay any application fee. The application  must be UPLOAD to the online application website or SENT to NCU International Affairs Office by April 15th, 2013.


Online Registration could be done in  http://admissions.oia.ncu.edu.tw/

Admission information could be reach in http://oia.ncu.edu.tw/student_admission.php

For any inquiry please contact Email: emacheng@ncu.edu.tw


2013年3月7日 星期四

Welcome to apply for iCAMP in National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

The iCAMP is a globalization-oriented advanced material international program . This program focuses on training distinguished graduate students. The Proposed Classes for iCAMP are (1)Electronics (2)Green Energy (3)Bio-inspiration Technology (4)Nano Technology (5)Organic Electronics(6)Core Courses.
For details about the application information and the opening programs/ departmental requirements, please refer to the website:
Application Period:
For Fall Semester 2013 (enroll in September 2013): January 10, 2013 to April 10, 2013
Degree Program Admission Results: May 31, 2013
For any further queries, please contact:
E-mail: em50951@email.ncku.edu.tw (For application)
Tel: +886 -6 -2085608
Fax: +886 -6 -2373551
Address: 8F, West, Yun-Ping Building, Kuang-Fu Campus No, 1, University Rd, Tainan City